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A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Ndryshimet ne raport me sisetmin e vjeterorganizimipedagogjikorganizimiimateri. Jun 21, 2010 teknologjia ne mesimdhenieqellimet e programeveterejateknologjike ne mesimdhenie. Doracak pr arsimtar pr praktika inkluzive kompjuterike. Djvu is a file format with similar functions as pdf, but often able to provide smaller size for similar image quality. Adobe portable document format pdf is a popular format for publishing and delivering documents on the. Click next once all of the files to be combined have been added. Testi i tremujorit te pare lenda teknologjia 12 me zgjedhje grupi a, 00.

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